
W. W. Kimball Company
Chicago IL, Opus 7119, 1933 EP
Organ Historical Society Plaque given 1983
107 Ranks          6853 Pipes


Curator – Will Sherwood, AAGO, ChM, WorcAGO Dean 2010-2018

Left stop jamb
Left stop jamb
Facing the stage, the enclosed Great chamber is on top left, unenclosed Great middle left, Pedal bottom left; Solo is top right, Swell is middle right, Choir is bottom right
Facing the stage, the enclosed Great chamber is on top left, unenclosed Great middle left, Pedal bottom left; Solo is top right, Swell is middle right, Choir is bottom right
Right stop jamb
Right stop jamb

GREAT: 61 notes, enclosed [top left chamber]
16 Contra Basse (open) (ext.) 12w
8 IV Diapason sc45 61m
8 Viola (tapered) sc51/55 61m
8 Bourdon 61w
8 Melodia 61w
4 II Octave sc56 61m
4 Flute Ouverte 61w&m
2 Super Octave 61m [stored in the side of the chamber due to split chest due to roof leaks]
VI Harmonics 366m
16 Contra Tromba 61m
8 Tromba 61m
4 Tromba Clarion 61m
8 (So.) Chimes — –
Gt Enclosed 16′, Gt Enclosed 4′, Gt Enclosed Unison Off

GREAT: 61 notes, unenclosed [middle left chamber]
32 Contra Gemshorn (TC) (ext.) — –
16 Double Diapason 61m
16 Contra Gemshorn (ext.) 12m
8 I Diapason 61m
8 II Diapason 61m
8 III Diapason sc43 61m
8 Gemshorn (tapered) sc45 61m
8 Harmonic Flute 61m
5 1/3 Quint 61m
4 I Octave sc53 61m
4 Harmonic Flute 61m
3 1/5 Tenth 61m
2 2/3 Twelfth 61m
2 Fifteenth 61m
V Mixture [Plein Jeu] 305m
8 Trumpet 61m
[unenclosed always assigned to Great Manual]

SWELL: 61 notes, enclosed [right chamber]
16 Contra Geigen sc50 73m
16 Rohrbourdon (ext.) 12w
8 I Diapason sc41x44 73m
8 II Diapason (Geigen) sc46 73m
8 Viola da Gambe sc58 73m
8 Viole d’Orchestre sc66 73m
8 Salicional sc55 73m
8 Voix Celeste sc55 73m
8 Rohrflote sc62 61m
8 Clarabella 73w&m
8 Spitzflote (tapered) sc47 61m<– correction 73m
8 Flute Celeste (TC) (tapered) sc47 61m
4 Octave (Geigen) sc57 73m
4 Violina sc67 73m
4 Rohrflote (ext.) 12m
4 Flute Triangulaire 73 w&m
2 2/3 Nazard (capped) 61m
2 Fifteenth 61m
2 Flautina (ext. Rohrflute) 12m
1 3/5 Tierce  61m
V Mixture (Fourniture) 305m
16 Double Trumpet 73m
8 French Trumpet 73m
8 Cornopean 73m
8 Oboe (capped) 73m
8 Vox Humana (additional encl.) 146m [This is a two-rank celeste-tuned stop]
4 Clarion 73m
8 (Ch.) Harp — –
4 (Ch.) Celesta — –
Vox Humana Vibrato
Sw 16′, Sw 4′, Sw Unison Off

CHOIR: 61 notes, enclosed [right chamber]
16 Double Dulciana (ext.) 12m [Dulciana is a unit chest fully populated from 16-8-4-2; no super top octave for 2′]
8 English Diapason sc44 73m
8 Violin Diapason 73m
8 Dulciana 61m
8 Viola (tapered) 56×60 73m
8 Unda Maris 73m
8 Concert Flute 73w&m
8 Cor de Nuit (capped) 73m
4 Principal 73m
4 Dulcet (ext.) 12m
4 Traverse Flute 73w&m
2 2/3 Nazard 61m
2 Piccolo (tapered) (harmonic) 61m
2 Dolcetin (ext.) 12m
1 3/5 Tierce (tapered) 61m
1 1/3 Larigot (tapered) 61m [break in top octave]
1 1/7 Septieme 61m [break in top octave]
1 Twenty Second (ext.) (top Oct. repeats) [corrected, previously labeled as a 2′ stop here]
III Mixture 15-19-22 183m
16 Bassoon (capped) 73m [16′ correct; previously erroneously listed as 8′]
8 Trompette 73m
8 Orchestral Oboe (capped) 73m
8 Clarinet 73m
4 Clairon 73m
8 Harp (Deagan) 61 bars
4 Celesta (from Harp) — –
Tremolo [does not affect (or broken 2016) 16′ Bassoon, 8′ Trompette, 8′ Orch Oboe, 4′ Clairon]
Ch 16′, Ch 4′, Ch Unison Off

SOLO: 61 notes, enclosed [top right chamber]
8 Violoncello sc54 73m
8 Cello Celeste sc54 73m
8 Orchestral Flute (harmonic) 73w&m
4 Concert Flute (harmonic) 73w&m
8 Tuba Magna (prep. ceiling center chamber) (Unencl.) — –
8 Tuba Mirabilis (harmonic) 73m
8 French Horn (capped) 73m
8 English Horn 73m
4 Tuba Clarion 73m
8 Chimes (Deagan) (G20-G44) 25 tubes
8 (Ch.) Harp — –
4 (Ch.) Celesta — –
Solo 16′, Solo 4′, Solo Unison Off

PEDAL: 32 notes, (borrowed except *) enclosed with Gr. or Solo [upper stop jamb]
16 (Gr.) II Diapason* (open) 32w
16 (Sw.) Contra Geigen — –
16 (Ch.) Double Dulciana — –
16 (Gr.) Contra Basse — –
16 (Sw.) Lieblich Gedeckt (Rohrbdn) — –
8 (Gr.) II Octave* (ext. “Diap II”) (open) 12w
8 (Sw.) Geigen — –
8 (Ch.) Dulciana — –
8 (Gr.) Open Flute* 32w
8 (Sw.) Still Gedeckt (Rohrfl.) — –
4 (Sw.) Octave Geigen — –
4 (Gr.) Open Flute (ext.) 12w
16 (So.) Trombone* 32m
16 (Gr.) Contra Tromba — –
16 (Sw.) Double Trumpet — –
16 (Ch.) Bassoon — –
10 2/3 (Gr.) Tromba Quint — –
8 (So.) Trumpet (ext.) 12m
8 (Gr.) Tromba — –
4 (So.) Clarion (ext.) 12m
8 (So.) Chimes — –

*  These ranks are co-located in the Great enclosed chamber to allow expression, but are completely independent.
In the case of “Diapason II”/”Octave II”. this is indeed a separate rank from the Great’s “Diapason II” manual rank which is metal

PEDAL: 32 notes, unenclosed [lower stop jamb] [lower left (tall) chamber]
32 Contra Violone (ext.) (open) 12w
32 Major Bass (ext.) (stopped) 12w
16 I Diapason (open) 32w
16 III Diapason 32m
16 Violone (open) 32w&m
16 (Gr.) Gemshorn — –
16 Bourdon 32w
10 2/3 Quint (derived Bourdon) — –
8 I Octave 32m
8 Violoncello (ext.) 12m
8 (Gr.) Gemshorn — –
8 Stopped Flute (ext.) 12m
5 1/3 Octave Quint sc48 32m
4 Super Octave (ext.) sc37 12m
4 Stopped Flute (ext.) 12m
IV Mixture 128m
32 Contra Bombarde (ext.) 12m
16 Bombarde 32m
8 Bombarde Octave (ext.) 12m
4 Bombarde Clarion (ext.) 12m

COUPLERS (tilting tablets)

Gr-Ped 8
Sw-Ped 8
Ch-Ped 8
Solo-Ped 8
Gr-Ped 4
Sw-Ped 4
Ch-Ped 4
Solo-Ped 4

Sw-Gt 16-8-4
Ch-Gt 16-8-4
Solo-Gt 16-8-4

Solo-Sw 16-8-4

UnEncl Gt-Ch 8
Encl Gt-Ch 8
Sw-Ch 16-8-4
Solo-Ch 16-8-4

Gt-Solo 8
Sw-Solo 8
Sw-Solo 4

Master Expression: The fourth shoe from the left serves as Master if the Master cheek switch is set, otherwise this fourth shoe controls the shades with a slide switch that is set in that fourth (rightmost) position. One shoe can control multiple sets of shades if desired.

Crescendo: selectable from six “factory” settings: 1: flues, 2: strings; 3: flues; 4: reeds; 5: full; 6: (less?)

Pistons (capture with SET button): Gen 1-12 (1-8 copied on pedal studs); Solo 1-8; Sw 1-10; Gt 1-10; Ch 1-10; Ped (studs) 1-8

Pipe Inventory Spreadsheet to clarify and tally
# of pipes and # of ranks – Updated Sept 2016 by Will Sherwood
(created to have a definitive census to correct typos in previous specs)


